Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Context of Galatians 1:8 Compromised

I recently ran across someone who bashes anyone that differs even the slightest from his doctrine. While there are many things wrong with this (not to mention his doctrine itself), I will focus on his rationalization for treating others (even non-believers) that oppose him with hatred.

He claims that Galatians 1:8 is a command to "curse" anyone who offers a different opinion or doctrine than that which he holds to.

Galatians 1:8,
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

The last phrase, "let him be accursed," is the basis for his argument. At first, one can see how the phrase can lean toward a command. However, the idea begins to fall apart as soon as the definition of the word "accursed" is brought to light.

Let me explain. The word "accursed" isn't an active command. It actually means "damned" or "as if under a curse" (per, "accursed"). By the very definition of the word, the man is saying that Paul is commanding Christians to a) kill others, or b) be involved in witchcraft by putting people under curses. Was Paul saying these things? No!

He later tried to justify the phrase as a command by pointing out the words "let" and "be" signify an active command. Well, lets look at a similar passage:

1 Corinthians 11:48,
But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant.

Here we see the same verb usage. But is Paul commanding Christians to make people ignorant? Of course not! The idea is that of "remaining." The passage, in modern English, could read something like, "let him remain ignorant."

Now, if we apply this reasoning to Gal. 1:8, we get this: "let him remain accursed." This fits the verse's context because if a man preaches a differing gospel than that of the Bible (thus, not adhering to the gospel of the Bible personally), he is damned (or condemned) already by God Himself. Not man!

Paul is conveying, therefore, that God will judge everyone for what he or she teaches. For those who teach a different gospel, God will curse/condemn them. Paul is not commanding anyone to condemn people--it simply isn't man's job.